Current Affair Quiz Questions

Q21- Planned combination of colors for a presentation is known as ..............
A) overlayB) floor plan
C) paint palletD) color scheme
Ans:-  color scheme
Q22- If you requires to get filter data from the table in Sql, which clause would you use?
A) FromB) Order by
C) WhereD) Select
Ans:-  Where
Q23- In an ER diagram, attributes are represented by
A) SquareB) Ellipse
C) RectangleD) Triangle
Ans:-  Ellipse
Q24- Which of the following command is used to undo transaction after last commit?
A) ReverseB) Undo
C) SavePointD) Rollback
Ans:-  Rollback
Q25- Data duplication wastes the space, but also promotes a more serious problem called _____________ .
A) Separated dataB) Program dependency
C) Isolated dataD) Data inconsistency
Ans:-  Data inconsistency