Techno Riddle Quiz

Techno Riddle:61
My name signifies the keratin-rich layer of the pollex in the human body. In the technical world, I am a visual icon that helps in recognizing and organizing images by providing a succinct version of its full-view counterpart. Tell me, who am I?
Ans:-  Thumbnail
Techno Riddle:62
I am best buddies with bibliophiles who frown upon dog-eared pages or random pencil markings. Even the digital space has embraced my name along with my utility to navigate web pages.Can you tell my name?
Ans:-  Bookmark
Techno Riddle:63
A banking jargon, my name signifies the process of counting money twice due to the delay in processing checks. However, in the world of programming, I am one of the attributes or data identifiers when assigned with storage container of data which tells the compiler or interpreter that the programmer intends to use the data as real number.Can you tell me, who am I?
Ans:-  Float
Techno Riddle:64
My name might remind you of a positive reinforcement to commend a job well done. It might also remind you of size-inclusive clothing in the textile industry. However, in the world of technology, I am a productivity software designed specifically for ease of calculations.Can you tell my name?
Ans:-  MS Excel
Techno Riddle:65
My first name can remind you of the morning gathering at school to show our gratitude to the Almighty. However, in the technical world, I am a dialect in which there is a very strong correspondence between the instructions in the language and the architecture's machine code instruction. Can you tell my name?
Ans:-  Assembly Language
Techno Riddle:66
I am a six-lettered word which can remind you of a famous brand of motorcycle and my last four letters form a synonym of pain. However, in the technical world, I am a free and open-source cross-platform web server software. Can you tell my name?
Techno Riddle:67
On hearing my name, your mind may visualize singers like Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga. However, in the world of technology, I am much more like a postie, used to receive e-mails from a remote server to a local e-mail client. Tell me, who am I?
Ans:-  POP or POP3
Techno Riddle:68
I am a portmanteau that implies a person who is actively involved in online communities for political or social discussion. Can you tell my name?
Ans:-  Netizen
Techno Riddle:69
I derive my name from a genre of visual art which was historically commissioned by important people to record their appearances, long before the invention of the camera. However, in the world of technology, I am one of the layout options of any document for viewing or printing purposes.Can you tell me, who am I?
Ans:-  Portrait
Techno Riddle:70
My name signifies an ordered series or arrangement. The best part is, even in the programming sector, my utilities have been employed under the same name. I can store a fixed-size collection of elements of the same data type and eliminate the need of multiple variable declaration. Can you tell my name?
Ans:-  Arrays